3 Ways to Grow Your Business


I know I’m really pushing my newsletter really hard and here’s why: I don’t believe Instagram (or social media in general) is the best way to market for small businesses. Granted, each industry is unique but when I deleted my Instagram for 8 months, my business did not suffer at all. Maybe you’d think it would have since my work is primarily visual. So why did I get Instagram back? Because clients shared with me that they wanted to be able to quickly share my page with people they know who might want to work with me. That was really important to me to provide that for them because:

#1 Stories sell — Personal testimonials are effective. It’s estimated that personal testimonials help your business generate about 62% more revenue & that 92% of customers read testimonials before making a purchase. Moreover, if you provide your customers with a positive experience, they’ll tell the people in their lives about it.


#2. Drive Traffic to your website — Updating your blog or website with new content regularly instead of your Instagram page will help you rank higher on Google. Search engines are still the first place people usually go to find something they need locally. (Pro-tip: when you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll receive a free SEO guide😉) Going further, newsletters are a better way for you to connect with your audience.

#3 Clarity in your messaging — what do you sell and who do you sell to? What is your customers pain point and how do you help solve that problem? One thing I see all the time on social media are people who have a lot to say but there’s little substance. If you require people to burn a ton of mental energy just to figure out what you actually do, then you’re probably missing out!

Mariah Krafft

My passion is creating digital assets for dream chasing, risk taking, and world changing individuals.


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